Public health system in England


The health system in england also called NHS (National Health Service) is in charge of give the cover neccesary to anyone is living and registered in England this service is not all for free. The pacient need to pay for example his medication. That is free is the hospitals and ambulance services.

Service as ophthalmology and dental assistance need for an additional cost. It has been cover by a private assurance. Medication must paid by the citizens and has a fix cost by prescription, than has a medium cost of 8 pounds. Due to the big waiting lists and the lack of doctors lot of people decide to arrange his own private assurance and most of the private companies offer these kind of assurances.
Contrary to Spain where there is a public and a private system in parallel in England all people has NHS as primary center. Sfter that in case you have an additional assurance is your primary doctor who will move you to your private specialists to avoid the waiting list.

The primary doctors they give you when you are registered there, and the center it is the nearly place of your house. You have the possibility to reject your primary doctor around a month after you have been assigned and even if you would like to change again you have the possibility.

Appart of people who are working in England there are other kind of groups of people who can work in England such as :

Also there are countries with relationships with England that allow to his citizens access to urgence service.


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