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Origin and flag

historia_flag_uk ”country_uk_1” United Kingdom is a unity state composed by four nations: Scotland, Walles, England and North Ireland.
In my website I do a reference sometimes to the flag of United Kindom but this site is mainly focus to England and in most of the cases London. But big towns have a similarity in a lot of aspects.

Territorial Organization

England has a territorial structure composed by regions. That regions also dividen into counties, districts and finally councils.

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Weather in England is homogeneus in all country, but in the central area temperature could be more extreme because the sea has less influence. Rains are general all year, and temperatures are soft due to it is not more than 200 miles to sea since every point of the country. Temperatures are from 10 minus zero to 25 degrees. Normally when the temperature is under zero snow probaility is increased, but in the south it is rare and the snow it use to be low. Daily situation is very difficult to predict because in a normal day could rain or be sunny depends of the wind. Sometimes it is a rain week but inside the week there is a ideal day with not clouds.

At time I was in England in the south I did not see snow any day. In the North of England and in Scotland the probabilities to do actitivities outside in winter are very limited, so if you are thinking to go there to live I would greatly recommend use the days you see the sun.

Next images I show the percentage of time it is rain respect the average, and you can see South and specially Southeast is where it is rain more often. Also it is presented the number of sun hours yearly, and you can see than it is even more than north of France in South England but in the north is like 4 times less as you can have in Spain.

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