Leisure and culture in England

It is sure lot o people know how they enjoy. It is true there are different respect Spanish people but once time you are there you can appreciate that inside north countries of Europe, British are the more similar to the south people of Europe. They like a lot go outside, drink, and talk like in Spain. The main different between them un us i think is they leave and come home earlier and lots usually they go drink without dinner. This topics are related to british born in England for generations. This topics are not about london where the multicultural sign has change the British population there. England it is the place, in my opinion, where immigration has integrated better to the society where they deal with people equal independent of the country you are come from. It is true there are signs of racism somewhere but it is not normal. I think also it is a thing who is arriving to change habits and cultural signs of British but it is the result of globalization.

Most of people foreign in England are from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. There are not a lot of people from other countries of Europe, more important immigration point is Poland that arrive to 1 and half million from there. So I think that Brexit is an error if it is for remain the identity of the country because most of the people of "outside" are british. Also they are a lot of churchs of a lot of religions like musilms, budists and hindus apart from catholics.

sociedad en Inglaterra
A lot of Spanish pubs try to remain a retro stetic of british or irish pubs, known there as pubs. Here a bar we understand better as a place which open at every hour and the pub is related more to the evening hours. In England the beer is the queen of the drinks. There are different brands of beer like in Spain. The metric unit is the pint that is equivalent to 650ml, and is like a jar of beer here. Sometimes it is cheaper ask for the local brand of beer or the brand of the pub because it could cost 2 pounds instead of 3 or 4 pounds. It is the beer who sponsor the pub. In england soccer which is the name for call football or "fubol" in Spain is the sports king. Generally pubs are full of addvertisements with the football match and it is England is becoming the second country in terms of football followers behind Spain. An the premier is the first in terms of team expenses..

bares en Inglaterra
As in Spain, british are fans of sport practise and it exist a lot of gyms and parks where you can practise lots of them. However weather is really bad, and there are only 4 months to 6 to practise the sports outside due to the longs rains. Sometimes you don´t expect that in a country where there are fat people and where they dont appreciate a lot the good food. Times are changing and there I think people is each time more conscient of follow a healthy life. Sometimes I had de sensation of british people eat because is obligatory to live but they don't spent time to taste the food and to wait after lunch. Maybe when they are eating with family or special dinner. They use to go to Italian restaurants or Spanish or Indian or chinese. The fish and chips is also another fast food, related to the pub culture. And most of the food is imported in supermarkets but authorities there are taking this seriously. Now there most of the food is marked with sugar, salt, and fat levels because hospital has a lot of problems caused by this and this kind of problems could be avoid with a good education since you are a kid. It is true also that they are a minority of lovers of food than like a loot cook and ground his own food or buy special products even by websites to cook better food.

Fleet, a example town of the little towns of England

fleet There are lot of people who arrive to England and pass most of the time in big towns as London, Birmingham or Manchester and they don´t have the time to look the real british lifestyle if they dont live with british more locals. This town is an example of this kind of towns where the most of the people have born in England and keep the british traditions. The town is composed of big houses and two flat houses as much and there everything, more of the things you can find in a town of 10k population in Spain. There are a lot of parks and sport centers in all the towns and villages.
It is an example of quiet and isolated town but linked with London by train, taking less than 45 minutes to reach it. Furthermore, it has a big business park and green areas like a bike channel who go through all the town in the for directions. The big towns are ready to bike road but due to mass transit and new times where they road all kind of people it happen a lot of disasters so it is better to be careful with the bike and always wearing a helmet. Each year dead people traveling by bike are increased.

parks in fleet
I was working for NSN, actually called as Nokia Networks, in a good ambient where most of the people lived in other towns and come from other countries. Normaly in small towns, they are agricolturale installations but that is not the case, where the big motor of the town it was the real state agencies, the commerces and the techonology focus in the Ancells Bussiness Park.
Fleet it was a expensive because it is one of the more popular town In km and has the title of better place to live in England for three years. The rent cost of a flat or apartment in Fleet it was about 800 pounds/month, a 30% expensive than other town around. All Saturdays in England there are a market where you can get lot of stuff for the house. Most of them fruits and vegetables. Difference of Spain is most of the things are imported from other countries, therefore have lot of conservatives. Best of this place is have the possibility to buy bread made by hand or fresh eggs, because if the town is not agricultural there are not a lot of this shops, so there is the baker or the butcher from other towns who come from next villages. Also you can buy fresh fish. But is better if you live in a coast town. In England due to average people don´t like a lot to cook, most of the things in the supermarkets are precook and it is really difficult to find places to buy fresh fish. In my town it was Morrisons the only supermarket with fresh fish.
Also there were few golf field and lot of private schools with a lot of prestige in the area, where most of the pupils come from other towns. The best atractive place in Fleet it was the lake which it was the biggest lake of freshwater in England. It was a magic place where you could disconnect of the job by walk or by bike as I show in the next pictures.

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