America First

That was the slogan chosen by Trump during all the American presidential elections. It has as its origin the elections in 1920 where the republican Warren Harding was presented that would win the elections against the democrat James M.Cox, whose second in command would be a young Franklin Roosevelt who would later become president of the United States and who would receive a special role In the Second World War.
The America First would come by the rejection to an interventionist policy in other states like Europe, weakened by the consequences of the First World War.

Trump in this case claims that his country has lost weight due to the goodwill of his predecessors like Obama or George W.Bush worried about the international sphere and neglecting their own country. Examples could be spending on defense in the United States or high imports to countries such as China, Germany and Mexico and their negative tax burden.

According to Trump America with these exchanges it ends up losing and wants to redirect the situation by taxing foreign imports of certain products and countries.


So Trump's threats had their consequence in indexes and currencies. The first harmed would be the Mexican peso with drops of up to 30%. In August, no agreement would be reached on the reform of the Free Trade Agreement. In September, the second and third meetings would be held without agreements. In October the fourth and in December the fifth without fixing anything new.

Not only would it reach countries like the previous ones, but also many, including Spain, with the Spanish olive oil case, in which Spanish distributors are accused of unfair competition for low prices. The most important case is the Spanish steel companies that, according to the USA, sell steel below the market price, such as Global Steel Wire, CELSA Atlantic, Spanish Rolling Company and ArcelorMittal Spain.

The precedent of the commercial war with China would come with the first tariffs on Chinese aluminum that would reach the beginning of November and leave this alleged war in the air.

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