Economic context 2009-2016

As anticipated in 2016,cryptocurrencies was another method of capital diversification. Although never imagine that reached these rates of rise. And in 2016 they left a profitability difficult to improve and went at a good pace until the summer. What nobody imagined is what was about to happen since most of them expected a severe correction, having reached Bitcoin the level of $3000 in just 4 months from $1000.


2017 - Inflating the bubble

However this year will undoubtedly be remembered for the record of cryptocurrency levels, led by the Bitcoin in which they would reach end the year $20,000 for BTC . Many criptodivisas would be born in 2017 and would beat record of returns. If the Bitcoin passed from the $300 to the $1,000 in 2016 reaching a profitability of 300% , 2017 would be no less going from 1000 to 20,000, ending the year with a profitability 2000% . In other words, someone who had the idea of ​​investing $ 6000 in bitcoins in early 2016, earning 20 bitcoins and having the idea of ​​keeping them for two years would have stored the figure of $ 400,000. Assuming an increase of ... almost 7000% . This profitability of 300% was difficult to assume for an experienced investor. Although it is already known that most investors are far from this speculative capital, especially if it is operated in the long term. The indicators are difficult to measure and follow other parameters than the stock market values.

If 300% was hardly assumable, it would continue to rise at the same rate, no longer at a linear pace, but at a logarithic rhythm, beating the RSI level of 80 (large overbought) to 6 months constantly. In November it would already be close to $ 10,000 and the year would end at $ 20,000. And her little sister the Ethereum would not stay far away, if in 2016 it was not worth more than $10 and at the beginning of 2017 it was worth $ 40 at the end of the year it would reach 1200 $ per unit, having an even more meteoric rise than Bitcoin this year, 3000%! .


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